9 Commandments for Dogs: Funny Dog Stuff to Brighten Your Day


Reading Time: 7 minutes

Overview of “9 Commandments for Dogs”

Dogs are loyal. Pet owners want to make their lives comfy. Here are nine commandments for dogs which will put a smile on everyone’s face!

  • Show excitement when someone comes home.
  • No judging – they might have treats.
  • Give them the ‘puppy face’ when in trouble.

These commands show how special our furry friends are. They show us how dogs act in different situations.

The article also provides tips for pet owners. This includes what food is suitable for their dogs and the importance of exercise.

Hachiko was a famous Japanese dog. His owner passed away, but he waited at the train station every day for over 8 years until his own death. This story shows how much humans and dogs can love each other.

Commandment 1: “Thou shalt not beg for human food”

For our furry friends, it’s essential to teach good behaviour. A key rule for dogs is to avoid begging for human food.

  • Human food can be bad for dogs.
  • Begging can lead to obesity and health problems.
  • Dogs learn quickly and are motivated by treats.
  • Teach them mealtime rules and only feed them dog-specific food.

Training your pup to not beg for human food takes time and patience. Discipline must be consistent for it to work.

Feeding routines must go with training expectations. Dogs should eat after humans finish. This way they won’t get access to human leftovers, which encourages begging.

My neighbor had a barbecue. His Jack Russell Terrier kept begging for scraps from the guests. Despite trying to discipline his pet, he gave too many treats and the dog got stomach ache. This shows ignoring the commandment can harm your pet.

Commandment 2: “Thou shalt not chew on shoes”

Dogs can be mischievous and chewing on shoes is something they do! We must curb this behavior. Let’s explore how to do Commandment 2 right.

  • Give your pup enough toys to play with.
  • Put shoes in places they can’t reach. Don’t keep them on the ground.
  • If you find your dog nibbling on shoes, say “NO” firmly. Give them a toy instead. Praise them if they switch quickly.

It’s key to be consistent when teaching this commandment. Training takes time, so stick with it to get better results.

Positive reinforcement is better than punishment when training your dog. Reward good behavior instead of scolding them for bad actions.

Dogs chew on items to explore their environment and relieve stress. When doing Commandment 2, it’s important to understand why this happens and come up with measures that help your pup. Humans should learn from this commandment too!

Commandment 3: “Thou shalt not bark incessantly”

Nobody likes too much barking, and it can cause problems between you and your pup. Training them to curb their barking is essential. Rather than demanding they ‘not bark incessantly,’ consistent training to prevent excessive barking is the way to go.

There are several reasons for barking such as anxiety, boredom, hunger, or too much energy. Exercise, puzzle toys, and your vet’s advice can help identify the causes. Reactive barking in response to stimuli should also be worked on. Show them alternatives like sitting instead of barking.

Certain breeds are more likely to bark than others, so put in extra effort to reduce their barking. Be patient too, as habits don’t change overnight. Cesar Millan says dogs can bark up to six hours a day. Let’s remind them with Commandment 4 that we hoomans are here to stay.

Commandment 4: “Thou shalt not run away”

Dogs must be trained to stay put, not wander off from their owners. This is important for safety. If a dog runs away, it can get lost, hurt, or hurt someone else. So, it’s essential that an owner teaches their pet to stay by their side.

If a dog often runs away, it can damage the bond between it and its owner. To keep the dog safe, the owner should make sure it wears identification tags with updated contact information.

If the dog gets away during a walk or in an open field, the owner should stay calm and patient, not yell. An effective tip is to crouch down and call out the pet’s name while holding its favourite treat. This usually works, as most dogs love treats!

Training pets strengthens good behaviour, obedience, and keeps dogs safe, secure, and loved.

A fellow dog-owner shared his story of how his Golden Retriever escaped the garden fence. He searched the nearby woods and found his pup chasing butterflies. It was sweet but also worrisome, as there could be wild animals around! Dogs may think strangers are friends, but they may not be as friendly back.

Commandment 5: “Thou shalt not jump on strangers”

Dogs must exercise restraint around strangers – no jumping! This is one commandment all pooches should follow. Jumping can hurt those who are frail, young, or elderly. It may even be seen as aggressive. Therefore, dogs must be trained and socialized to be aware of boundaries.

Jumping is a sign of affection, attention-seeking, or excitement. Inconsistent training makes this worse. Use basic commands such as “heel” and “sit”. Avoid shouting or pushing your dog away when they jump. Control will earn them more praise than being wild.

Know how your dog reacts to unfamiliar faces and environments. Positive reinforcement can help them overcome fear. Adhering to this commandment allows for positive experiences without bad confrontations.

Dogs who don’t socialize may be at risk for expulsion. Commit time and effort into obedience – before it’s too late!

Commandment 6: “Thou shalt not destroy furniture”

Canines are known for causing mayhem and gnawing furniture. As pet owners, it’s crucial to show them not to destroy belongings. This is Commandment 6 of the “9 Commandments for Dogs: Funny Dog Stuff to Brighten Your Day”.

Teaching your pup begins with taking away objects they may be tempted to chew on. Gradually introduce new items, while keeping forbidden ones away until they understand what is okay and not okay to chew.

To encourage good behavior, use positive reinforcement like praise, treats or affection. This will help them develop a preference for positive feedback instead of negative actions.

Dog training has been a thing since people started having domesticated animals as pets. From Egyptian hunters to modern-day dog trainers like Cesar Milan, it’s essential for responsible pet parenting.

By following these rules, you’ll create a calmer home with fewer dog-related accidents. Remain patient and watch your pet closely. Keep being consistent and use positive reinforcement techniques to help your pup become a well-behaved family member who knows what they can play and chew with. Breaking this commandment is like a dog chasing its own tail – pointless and hilarious to witness!

Commandment 7: “Thou shalt not ignore commands”

Dogs need consistency when it comes to commands. Ignoring directions can cause problems. Pet owners must give clear commands. Use one word like “sit” instead of full sentences. Repetition should be avoided. No yelling or punishments, give reward when they obey. Don’t mix similar commands like “down” vs “off“. Be patient – each dog learns differently. Establish a routine with walks and disciplined sessions. This will help develop better habits. Following these tips will create a healthier relationship and a safer home. Remember, dogs love treasure hunts – so they’ll steal from the trash!

Commandment 8: “Thou shalt not steal from the trash”

Dogs have a reputation for rummaging through rubbish. So, to keep them safe and your home tidy, it’s vital to teach them not to pilfer the trash.

Reward your pup when they don’t try to pillage the bin. Speak with a sharp tone if you catch them in the act. Redirect their focus to an appropriate chew toy or activity. Getting professional help may be useful too.

To stop any misadventures, make sure all bins are sealed with lids your doggy can’t open or knock over. Put ’em in cupboards or closets if possible. Better to prevent trouble than deal with potential health risks.

Train your canine companion not to steal from the bin. Don’t let their inquisitive nature harm their health or your home. Start now!

Commandment 9: “Thou shalt not bite or show aggression”

Dogs can display aggression for several reasons, like fear, anxiety, or dominance. As good pet owners, it is important to train our four-legged friends to decrease the chances of them biting or exhibiting aggressive behavior. Not only does aggression lead to physical injuries and legal complications, but it is also a sign of substandard socialization and training. A pooch that has been well-socialized is less likely to show signs of aggression. So, we must remember to prevent our dogs from displaying such behaviors.

It is true that some doggos have an innate inclination towards aggression due to genetics or past experiences. However, proper training can reduce such tendencies. Positive reinforcement training, like reward-based methods, can promote desired behavior while discouraging negative behavior such as biting or growling. It is essential that dogs get socialized from a young age through consistent exposure to other canines and people in different environments.

Moreover, animal welfare organizations suggest avoiding confrontational methods or punishment-based techniques as they may result in fearful or aggressive behavior instead. If your pup shows signs of aggression towards you or others, it’s best to seek professional help.

In 2013, the CDC- National Statistics Report stated that around 29,000 reconstructive surgeries were performed due to dog bites in the USA. This should motivate us even more to follow the commandments that protect both ourselves and our fur babies. So why have a bad day when you can watch funny dog memes and videos instead?

Funny dog memes and videos to brighten your day

Dogs have the amazing power to make us smile! They are amusing, charming and always up to something new. If you’re a dog-lover, then these humorous dog memes and videos are sure to brighten your day! Here are some of the funniest dog memes and videos to watch:

  • Laughing Dogs: Adorable pooches giggling away with contagious laughter.
  • Dog Fails: Watch dogs make epic fails in the funniest ways.
  • Dog Tricks: See skillful pups do amazing tricks.
  • Dog vs. Food: Catch dogs conquering food items in a hilarious way.
  • Puppy Cuteness: Fluffy pups and curious newbies – melt your heart with these videos!

Plus, don’t miss funny dog meme categories like “dog shaming.” Owners post pictures of their naughty pups next to signs describing their mischievous deeds.

If you need an instant mood-lifter, watching funny dog memes and videos is the best solution. Experience some of the best online content ever created – guaranteed to bring a smile to your face!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the 9 commandments for dogs that you mention in your article?

A: The 9 commandments for dogs are a set of humorous rules that pet owners can follow to make their dogs happier and more comfortable. These include things like “Thou shalt not withhold belly rubs,” “Thou shalt always have a treat in thy pocket,” and “Thou shalt not leave the house without giving thy dog a goodbye kiss.”

Q: Are the 9 commandments for dogs meant to be taken seriously?

A: No, the 9 commandments for dogs are meant to be lighthearted and funny. While there are some good tips in there for pet owners, the main goal is to make people smile and brighten their day.

Q: Where did the idea for the 9 commandments for dogs come from?

A: The 9 commandments for dogs were created as a way to celebrate our furry friends and the joy they bring to our lives. They were inspired by a similar set of commandments for cat owners that has been floating around the internet for years.

Q: Can I add my own commandment to the list?

A: Of course! The 9 commandments for dogs are meant to be a fun and collaborative project, so feel free to add your own commandment and share it with others.

Q: Are there any serious tips for dog owners included in your article?

A: While the main focus of the article is on funny and light-hearted tips for pet owners, there are also some more serious suggestions for things like training and socializing your dog.

Q: Where can I find more funny dog content?

A: There are plenty of websites and social media accounts dedicated to funny dog memes, videos, and pictures. A quick Google search or browse through social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok should turn up plenty of results.
