Aromatherapy 101: Calming Scents for Dogs and How to Use Them


Reading Time: 9 minutes

Introduction to Aromatherapy for Dogs

Aromatherapy has become trendy in recent years for its holistic approach to relaxation, anxiety relief and general wellbeing. It can be used on canine companions, too! Just remember to use oils that are safe for dogs and dilute them with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba.

Lavender, chamomile, rosemary and peppermint are all good calming scents. But be careful – dogs have highly sensitive noses and oils can be overwhelming for them if not diluted properly. So it’s best to consult with a vet first to make sure the quantity and application are right for your dog’s age, health status and breed.

We can learn from our forefathers too. Dilluted myrrh was used as medical oil in biblical times to cleanse wounds before bandages. In more recent times, Franciscan monks created balm with lavender, marjoram, peppermint and rose. So there may be something in the historical use of these oils that can help our furry friends today.

Aromatherapy is a great way to give your pup a chill-out session and help them relax.

Calming Scents for Dogs

To help soothe your furry friend, you can use aromatherapy with certain calming scents. In this section on calming scents for dogs using aromatherapy, we’ll introduce you to five essential oils that can be helpful. These oils include Lavender Oil, Chamomile Oil, Vetiver Oil, Frankincense Oil, and Bergamot Oil.

Lavender Oil

Aromatherapy for Dogs: Lavender’s Calming Benefits!

Lavender is a great oil with calming properties. Its scent can help dogs relax during tough times, such as stormy weather, fireworks, or feeling lonely. It can also reduce hyperactivity and aid in better sleep. Diffuse it around your pet’s sleeping area or apply it to their collar or bedding.

Use only high-quality, diluted essential oils in small quantities. Always ask a vet before using any new treatments on your pet. Most dogs are safe when using lavender, but watch out for signs of discomfort or irritation.

Create a Safe Haven For Your Furry Friend!

Turn your home into a sanctuary and use calming scents, like lavender, to soothe their minds. Incorporate this natural remedy into their daily routine to avoid excessive barking, chewing or destructive behavior caused by stress. You’ll be improving your pet’s quality of life!

At the end of the day, keep your fur babies happy and comfortable. Give them a whiff of chamomile oil and watch them transform from Cujo to cuddle buddy in seconds.

Chamomile Oil

This essence is from a flower that’s been around for centuries. It’s called chamomile oil. It’s known for its calming effects on dogs. It’s also popular in pet products since it reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes relaxation.

Chamomile oil has compounds like bisabolol and chamazulene, which give it its smell and therapeutic properties. It can be put on the skin or eaten. But always talk to your vet first. When used on skin, it can help with itchiness and inflammation thanks to its anti-inflammatory powers.

But, some dogs may have allergies or be sensitive to chamomile oil. So, start with small amounts and maybe mix it with carrier oils like coconut or olive.

Chamomile has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Greek physicians valued its calming properties. You can use it in aromatherapy and skincare formulations. So, it’s a versatile natural remedy. Vetiver oil – make your dog smell better than your old gym socks!

Vetiver Oil

Vetiver oil is derived from the aromatic Vetiver plant. It has a strong earthy and woody scent which is said to have calming effects on dogs. It can be used topically or diffused in a room, and its therapeutic properties make it a popular choice for natural anxiety relief in pets.

Vetiver is native to India, where it has been used medicinally for centuries. It’s rich in sesquiterpene compounds, offering sedative effects. As well as calming dogs, vetiver oil can also repel ticks and fleas, making it a great natural insecticide.

To increase its calming effect, vetiver oil can be mixed with other essential oils like lavender and chamomile. But, it must be diluted before use, as it can cause skin irritation. Always consult with a vet before using vetiver oil on your pet.

Legend tells us that vetiver root was first used by Indian royalty for its fragrance and medicinal benefits. It’s now found in traditional holistic healing practices worldwide. Frankincense oil is a great calming tool for dogs that bark at their own farts.

Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil has a woody, spicy aroma and is a popular choice for calming dogs. It has sedative properties that reduce anxiety and stress. A few drops on bedding or diffused around the home can provide a calming effect.

It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which help relieve pain in dogs with arthritis or other conditions. Plus, frankincense oil boosts immunity to fight off infections and diseases.

Be sure to use high-quality frankincense oil that is pure and free from harmful additives. Dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, before use. Place a few drops on your dog’s collar or bandana when going for a walk. Or use an aromatherapy diffuser while spending quality time together at home.

If your pup won’t calm down, try meditation or a muzzle.

Bergamot Oil

The sweet scent of bergamot fruit has a calming effect on dogs. Its unique aroma helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in humans and animals. Aromatherapy, using bergamot oil, is becoming a popular natural remedy for anxious pets. Introducing this oil into your pup’s environment can help them relax and de-stress. Let your pup sniff their way to a happier life with these aromatherapy tips!

How to Use Aromatherapy for Dogs

To use aromatherapy for your dog with calming scents, try these methods: topical application, diffusion, collar, and bedding. Applying essential oils directly to the skin or fur is one way to use aromatherapy topically. Diffusing essential oils with a diffuser can help create a calm atmosphere. Using a collar or bedding with essential oils can further provide the benefits of aromatherapy.

Topical Application

For Application on Skin

Aromatherapy can be great for your pup! Apply essential oils directly onto the skin, not just inhaling them.

First: Dilute with a carrier oil like coconut or almond. Then massage the mixture onto areas like paws, ears, or tummy.

Key Aspects of Topical Application:

  • Dilution Ratio: 1 drop of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.
  • Sensitive Areas: Avoid eyes, nose, and genitals.
  • Patch Testing: Always perform a patch test; apply a small amount and wait 24 hours.

Not all essential oils are safe for topical use on dogs. Some toxic oils include cinnamon, tea tree, and oregano. Research before applying any new essential oil topically.

Pro Tip: Consult a vet before using essential oils topically on your pup, for safety and well-being. Diffuse essential oils for your own sanity when they’re being a pup-tart!


Try olfactory diffusion for your dog’s well-being! This involves dispersing essential oils into the air using a diffuser. These oils can have a calming effect, and provide various health benefits. Lavender, chamomile, and peppermint can help reduce stress and anxiety. And citrus oils can improve their mood. Eucalyptus oil can help with respiratory issues. Always use pet-friendly, therapeutic-grade oils as some can be toxic to dogs.

Combine diffusion with other methods of aromatherapy, like topical application or massage therapy. However, make sure the oil droplets don’t come into contact with your dog’s eyes or skin. Also, avoid certain oils around pregnant dogs or those on medication.

Enhance your dog’s holistic health and help them live happier lives! Try olfactory diffusion today. Add some aromatherapy to their collar for maximum chillness.

Collar and Bedding

Enhancing your pup’s atmosphere with aromatherapy is key for their comfort. Here’s how to do it without overloading their senses:

  1. Tie a colorful bandana with herbs/oils onto their collar.
  2. Lavender oil on the bedding encourages rest & calms anxiousness.
  3. Essential oils such as chamomile, peppermint, or eucalyptus can be sprayed too.

Each pooch has special needs & preferences, so experiment to find what works best. Studies prove that dogs exposed to natural fragrances are calmer (Taylor & Barker, 2017).

Aromatherapy can help relax them, but it won’t fix bad behavior – that’s still your job!

Precautions and Considerations

To ensure that your dog benefits most from aromatherapy, precautions and considerations are necessary. With ‘Dosage and Dilution,’ ‘Choosing High-Quality Oils,’ and ‘Consulting a Veterinarian’ as solution briefly, you can easily avoid any harmful side effects and make the most of your beloved pet’s aromatherapy session.

Dosage and Dilution

It’s imperative to follow the precise instructions given by a healthcare professional when it comes to dosage and dilution of medication. Not doing so can lead to harm. Here are some things to remember:

  • Use only the recommended dosage and dilution.
  • Seek the help of a healthcare professional if unclear about dosage or dilution.
  • Utilize the suggested diluent when preparing or administering the medication.

Pay attention to the different dosages and dilution requirements for each medication. Abiding by healthcare provider instructions helps to prevent possible negative effects. Don’t put your health in danger by ignoring Dosage and Dilution info. Consult with a healthcare professional if in doubt. Keep safety first and don’t take any unnecessary risks. Remember, your health is your karma – what goes around comes around.

Choosing High-Quality Oils

For best health gains, carefully choose oils to consume. Consider the processing method, product testing, producer reputation and oil composition. Quality standards of oils include:

  • Cold-pressed is often seen as high-quality, as it keeps more nutrients without added heat.
  • Third-party lab tests can verify no contaminants or adulterants are present.
  • Choose reliable companies with good track records specializing in top-notch pure oils.
  • Different oils have different compositions, some higher in beneficial fatty acids or other beneficial compounds.

When shopping for top-notch oils, find ones stored in dark glass bottles. Light exposure can cause oxidation and nutrient loss. Avoid expired products or those past their shelf life, as nutrients may be lost.

Karen needed a good olive oil for cooking. Her Google search was going down a dark path. She looked up local companies and found one with great reviews for cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. The difference in her meals was amazing! From then on, she knew where to get great olive oil.

Remember, if you’re unsure about your pet’s symptoms, consult a vet.

Consulting a Veterinarian

Seeking advice from a licensed vet is essential before giving medication or treatment to your pet. They can diagnose and treat medical conditions, and know about dosage, side effects, and home treatment options. Plus, they can tell if specialist referral is necessary.

Provide all relevant pet information to your vet. This includes current health condition, past medical history, and any changes in behavior. Be honest about any concerns regarding treatments or diagnosis plans.

Consulting a vet saves time and money by getting accurate diagnoses and preventing complications. Early detection of health issues leads to quicker recovery times.

Vets specialize in treating animals with different breeds and species-specific requirements. Try to find one who specializes in treating pets of the same breed as yours.

Prioritize seeking professional advice from a licensed animal care provider when dealing with any health issue that could affect your companion. Lavender can speak volumes about their relaxation levels.

Conclusion: Aromatherapy for Dogs is Worth a Try

Aromatherapy has been gaining popularity for its calming effects on dogs. It is a great alternative to conventional medications and has little to no side effects. However, strong odors can be damaging, so trying out different options may yield positive results. Gradual introduction of essential oils is the key, and it’s worth it to try out aromatherapy for your dog’s anxiety.

Lavender and Chamomile have been known to have soothing effects on dogs. An aroma diffuser or spray bottle are good ways to use essential oils. It is important to check the quality and concentration of oil, dilute it before use, and avoid direct contact with the dog’s skin. Taking the necessary precautions while using aromatherapy for your furry friend is a must.

Marjoram, Basil, and Frankincense are some examples of oils that can help with separation anxiety. It would be wise to experiment with various combinations that suit your individual pet, or consulting professional pet practitioners. The potential of exploring different plants and flowers available for aromatherapy is immense.

According to Cesar’s Way, over 70% of American households own a pet. 63 million households own dogs, according to the 2019 APPA report. With this rise in pet ownership, we now have the chance to find ways to improve our pet’s quality of life. Aromatherapy is one such way.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is aromatherapy for dogs?

Aromatherapy is the use of natural plant extracts, also known as essential oils, to improve a dog’s physical and emotional well-being. It involves the use of calming scents that can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and other behavioral issues in dogs.

2. Which essential oils are suitable for calming dogs?

Some of the essential oils known for their calming properties in dogs are lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and ylang-ylang. However, it’s crucial to note that not all dogs react the same way to essential oils. Before using any essential oil on your dog, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian to ensure that it is safe for your pet.

3. How can I use aromatherapy on my dog?

There are several ways to use aromatherapy on your dog. You can use essential oil diffusers, massage oils, sprays, or balms. However, make sure to dilute the essential oils before applying to your dog’s skin or fur.

4. Can I use essential oils on my dog every day?

It is not recommended to use essential oils on dogs every day. Overuse of essential oils can cause adverse reactions such as skin irritation, allergies, and respiratory issues. Limit the use of aromatherapy to no more than once a day for short periods.

5. Are there any risks involved in using aromatherapy on dogs?

Yes, there are risks involved in using essential oils on dogs. Some essential oils can be toxic to dogs and may cause serious health issues. It’s crucial to research and understand the risks involved before using an essential oil on your pet. Always consult with your veterinarian before using any aromatherapy products on your dog.

6. How can I tell if my dog is reacting badly to essential oils?

If your dog is reacting abnormally to essential oils, you may notice symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or respiratory problems. If you observe any of these symptoms in your pet, stop using the essential oil immediately, and seek veterinary care.
