Can Dogs Eat Pancakes?


Reading Time: 8 minutes

Though nothing matches a dog’s sense of smell, he does have a great sense of taste too. It might not be as exceptional as humans, but it’s better than many other animals.

Sweet, salty, sour, and bitter -- they can taste them all. It has been found that these creatures have another taste bud through which they can taste the water. In contrast to humans who have always described water as a tasteless liquid, it might have a great taste for dogs.

Given the dogs have taste buds, they enjoy their food and crave it. They don’t crave much for salty foods as they fulfill the need with meat, but they often crave sweets.

So, it’s okay to feed dogs some sweets from time to time. But, while talking about sweets, pet owners who love dogs and pancakes ask whether this sweet snack is safe for their furry friend or not.

A short answer to their quest is, yes, dogs can eat pancakes. They are safe as long as the owners make sure that all the pancake ingredients are safe for their pets.

Let’s have a peek at which pancakes are safe for consumption and what quantity is safe for your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Plain Pancakes?

Everyone is undoubtedly familiar with the ingredients necessary to make plain pancakes. They are simple to make from scratch. Butter, Flour, milk, eggs, and baking powder or baking soda are all you need to make the batter, and then fry these in a little bit of oil.

Sounds healthy and tasty, isn’t it? But you need to be quite careful when making plain pancakes for your pup. So let’s see if these are healthy; if not what changes can you make to prepare healthy plain pancakes to treat for your dog.

White Flour is typically utilized as the primary ingredient in the batter. Although white flour is made from wheat, it only contains the endosperm of the wheat kernel rather than the entire wheat seed.

As a result, it is innutritious, low in fiber, and difficult for dogs to digest. In this regard, using whole wheat flour can transform your basic pancakes into nutrient-dense and healthy food for your dog. Eggs!!! Yes, they are incredibly helpful to dogs and provide a balanced protein and vitamin diet.

What about butter and milk? Butter is entirely fat. There is no good in feeding your pup butter. Instead, while making plain pancakes for him, you can use plant-based oils in a small quantity for adding in the batter as well as for frying. These consist of unsaturated fats posing no harm to your dog’s health.

Milk is also not a good ingredient for dogs as many of them develop lactose intolerance. It is not digested well in their gut; as a result, a lot of gastric issues arise.

It is best to use oat milk or coconut milk which are lactose-free and nutritious at the same time. You can make a healthy pancake treat for your pup with a little addition and substitution using all these alternatives.

Are Flavored Pancakes Safe for Dogs?

Don’t feed your dog pancakes without knowing if it’s safe for him or not. Flavored pancakes often make a bad treat for dogs. It’s not about the taste, all of them are quite delicious, and each one of them satisfies one’s sweet craving in its unique way. But the flavored pancakes often have ingredients that a dog’s body won’t accept without causing some harm.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberry Pancakes?

Blueberries are generally safe for dogs in small amounts, but the case is not the same with blueberry pancakes. These fruits are high in their carbohydrate content. Moreover, you are aware of their sugar content as well. Pancakes already have enough sweets that a dog can consume; adding blueberries will make pancakes bad for dogs. Keep in mind they are not toxic; they are just unhealthy. Letting your pooch have a small bite won’t cause any issue.

Can Dogs Eat Lemon Pancakes?

While most dogs usually don’t like the sour taste of lemon, the acids in it can give them an upset stomach accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, lemons can lead to even serious gastric problems if a dog already has a sensitive stomach. Therefore, lemon pancakes are not a good choice, not even in small quantities.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat banana pancakes safely. Banana is a low-calorie fruit, and besides other essential nutrients, it also adds fibers to the dog’s diet. Fibers are a dog’s requirement for healthy digestion. Therefore, a few banana pancakes can be given as a healthy treat to dogs. However, too much of it can lead to a dog’s meal high in fiber and sugars, both of which are not good.

Can Dogs Eat Orange Pancakes?

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that plays a great role in neutralizing free radicals. So orange pancake is a good choice. But a dog’s liver is capable of making vitamin C on its own, which minimizes its requirement.

Can Dogs Eat Honey Pancakes?

Honey pancakes are safe for dogs as honey has many nutritional benefits. But it’s high in sugar. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity, and many dental problems. In short, honey pancakes make a safe sweet treat if fed once in a blue moon.

Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Pancakes?

Cinnamon is one of the dog-safe spices and thus makes the cinnamon pancakes safe for your dog to eat. In addition, cinnamon is non-toxic for dogs because of the quantity in which it is added to pancakes. But you have to check the ingredients to make sure these do not contain any artificial additives or sweeteners like Xylitol, as is the case with many bakery items containing cinnamon. Also, if added to these pancakes, large amounts of added sugars make them unhealthy for consumption by your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Vanilla Pancakes?

Vanilla pancakes are a big no for dogs. Vanilla extract has a considerable amount of alcohol in it. Dog’s digestive system is not designed to break down alcohol components. Therefore, it can cause gastric issues, excessive panting, and fever when consumed in small quantities and can cause fatal issues such as tremors and seizures, which can threaten its life if consumed in high amounts.

Can Dogs Eat Buttermilk Pancakes?

For many people, buttermilk sounds like something unhealthy for your dog. But that’s not true. Buttermilk is safe for dogs, and so are buttermilk pancakes. Besides being safe, buttermilk is actually healthier than regular milk for dogs. Regular milk may cause lactose intolerance in them, but buttermilk does the opposite. Its lactose content is less than that of milk, so does not develop stomach upset in lactose-intolerant dogs if used in moderate quantities. Moreover, buttermilk is probiotic contains bacterias that aid in the digestion of lactose, preventing any lactose indigestion in your dog. Finally, buttermilk adds essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin B-12 to the pancakes.

Can Dogs Eat Pancakes Made from Different Flours?

Can Dogs Eat Multigrain Pancakes?

Pancakes made from multigrain Flour will have food components belonging to a variety of grains. These may be millet, flax, barley, oats, rice, wheat, and whole-wheat Flour. Such a mix of a great variety of food components is a good option for feeding your dog unless any of the components causes food allergies in them. The multigrain Flour is also rich in fibers. So, if your dog appears to be as healthy as before and doesn’t show any symptoms of grain allergies, feeding him pancakes prepared from multigrain Flour will do good in the case your dog has constipation.

Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal Pancakes?

Oat flour can be added to a dog’s balanced food chart. So, yes, dogs can eat oatmeal pancakes. Besides being nutritious, it retains water. This property helps the food prepared from oat flour remain fresh for a bit longer than other products as well as maintain the dog’s stomach and skin health.

Can Dogs Eat Buckwheat Pancakes?

If a dog consumes buckwheat plant raw, there is a high possibility of buckwheat poisoning in him. But wheat is generally safe; in fact, it lowers the blood sugar level that makes it perfect for a diabetic dog. In addition to it, a sufficient amount of fibers can help dogs suffering from digestive issues.

Can Dogs Eat Almond Flour Pancakes?

Commonly almonds as nuts are not safe for dogs, but almond flour doesn’t pose any serious risk. So sharing a small number of almond flour pancakes with your dog is okay.

Can Dogs Eat Coconut Flour Pancakes?

Pancakes made with coconut flour are an excellent choice for dogs. It’s rich in proteins, vitamins, potassium, and calcium. It doesn’t even pose any harm to the dog’s health, making it better than other flours used in pancake recipes.

Can Dogs Eat Pancakes Made with Wheat Flour?

Wheat is perfectly healthy for dogs as it has many nutrients and fibers. It also lowers many health risks, including heart diseases, stroke, obesity, and inflammation. As long as your dog doesn’t show any symptoms of wheat allergies, you can treat them with wheat flour pancakes. In dogs, common symptoms of wheat allergy include itchy skin, ear infection, licking front paws, and some asthma-like symptoms.

Can Dogs Eat Protein Pancakes?

You can let your dog eat pancakes made out of protein powder only if it does not contain Xylitol or any other artificial sweetener. Xylitol is toxic for dogs can cause potential health risks.

Can Dogs Eat Gluten-free Pancakes?

Gluten-free flours like brown rice flour and oat flour are safe to feed to your dog. The use of such Flour in your pancakes recipe reduces the risk of gluten allergies in dogs. However, sometimes even the gluten-free flours have been contaminated with gluten if processed alongside wheat; you have to make sure the ingredients are gluten-free certified, especially if your dog has a severe gluten allergy.

Can Dogs Eat Pancake Mix?

Homemade treats are safe for dogs, but what about a packaged pancake mix?

Can Dogs Eat Bisquick Pancakes?

Bisquick pancakes are made from basic ingredients such as oils, Flour, and dry milk. A plain pancake of this brand can be fed to a pup as an occasional treat.

Can Dogs Eat Krusteaz Pancakes?

The brand offers a variety of pancakes that you can choose from. However, chocolate chip variety is not safe for your dog, and it’s best to prefer plain Krusteaz pancakes.

Can Dogs Eat Aunt Jemima Pancakes?

Plain Aunt Jemima pancakes are safe for dogs as long as you avoid toppings such as chocolate and raisins.

Can Dogs Eat Mcdonald’s Pancakes?

Like all the other brands, plain Mcdonald’s pancakes are safe for canine companions as they are made from basic components.

Related Contents

Can Dogs Eat Pancakes with Toppings?

It is better to avoid toppings and feed plain pancakes to your dog, as most of the pancake toppings are safe for dogs.

Whipped Cream

Whipped cream has nothing toxic for dogs in it. But like other dairy products, it is not recommended for lactose intolerant dogs. If your dog doesn’t have lactose intolerance, feeding him pancakes topped with whipped cream is not a good option again. Why accumulate unnecessary fats in his body?

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a highly concentrated form of sugar syrup. You shouldn’t feed your dog pancakes topped with that much sugar, especially if your dog experiences low insulin levels and some signs of diabetes. Maple syrup is seen to rapidly increase the blood glucose levels in diabetics.

Peanut Butter

It is safe for dogs to eat. Some pancakes topped with peanut butter and a few dog biscuits can serve as a yummy treat for dogs on pancake day. Peanut butter is yummy and makes a good nutritional treat having proteins, fibers, and healthy fats.


Eating pancakes with chocolate on it can be toxic for dogs. This is because they are unable to process theobromine present in chocolates through their digestive system. As a result, it can lead to chocolate poisoning that can be detected by symptoms including an increased heartbeat, excessive panting, and restlessness that can become fatal if not treated timely.

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruits seem to be healthy for dogs, but many fruits that are used as a topping for pancakes are not a good choice for dogs as they are high in natural sugars, such as grapes and cherries.

How Many Pancakes Can A Dog Have?

Pancakes are not safe as a regular part of dog food. You need to keep an eye on the pet sitting beside leftover pancakes. If the ingredients are safe, you can let them have some. You can give a puppy pancakes in a small amount and don’t show empathy if he demands for more. However, an adult dog can be given a bit more than a puppy.

If a dog ate too many pancakes, it can lead to stomach upset followed by other ill-health factors. So it’s better to consult a vet as soon as possible.
