Can Dogs Eat Plums?


Reading Time: 6 minutes

While plums are technically safe for dogs to eat, it is not recommended that they be given to your furry friend, as the plum pit and stems are highly toxic to dogs and can cause poisoning. 

The rest of this article will explain why dogs should not eat plums and what to give them instead.

Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Although plums are a wonderful, juicy treat for humans, dogs cannot safely eat them, and they should not be added to your dog’s diet. While giving your dog a few bites of the plum fruit is not going to be horrible for them; it is essential to note that the plum flesh does not provide any significant health benefits and is also very high in sugar, which is bad for them dogs.

Dangers of Plum Pits

There are many reasons why dogs should not be fed plums. The main reason is that plums contain a large stone. The plum pits are sharp and can damage your dog’s stomach, cause intestinal blockage, and hurt their esophagus. These things are more likely to happen if a small dog eats a plum pit, but there is still a chance that a larger dog can have this issue, too.

In addition to the plum pits being sharp, they are also toxic to dogs. If a plum pit is crushed, it releases cyanide poisoning, which can hurt your dog.

Nutritional Benefits of Plums

Although the fruit of a plum is not toxic to dogs and can be okay for them to eat in moderation, plums are not nutrient-dense.


Plums are a good source of vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant that helps support a healthy immune system, reduces inflammation, and maintains healthy bones. It also has a good amount of vitamin A, which is essential for ensuring your dog’s eyesight, coat, and skin stay healthy.

Dogs should be given a complete and balanced diet with their daily food, so although they should not need these supplements added to their diet, a few pieces of plum fruit in moderation will not hurt them.


Plums are a good source of fiber, which helps your dog maintain healthy digestion and will help control their blood sugar levels.


Plums have a high water content, which will help your dog stay hydrated while they eat their snack.

Sugar Content

The sugar content is the main drawback to feeding your dog plums since they have way too much sugar. High sugar foods can lead to weight gain and obesity for your dog, which will then lead to other health problems.

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What To Do If Your Dog Eats A Plum

If your dog has gotten ahold of a plum, you should first figure out what part of the plum your dog has eaten. If you find that your dog ate a plum pit, you may have to take them to get examined.

Most dogs will eat human food whenever they can, so it is essential that you keep them away from your dog in a pet-safe container if you are snacking on a fruit bowl or eating plums.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Plums?

Prunes are just dried plums and should not be fed to your dog since they have an even higher sugar content than regular plums.

Although prunes are recommended to humans for a balanced diet, dogs and humans have much different needs. Therefore, dogs do not need to eat prunes and will get no nutritional value from them.

Unlike the pit, they will not be toxic to your pet if they are eaten but can result in a stomach upset. Because of this, they should be avoided when possible.

Are Plums Toxic?

Plums are bad for dogs, but you may think in different ways. Although the plum fruit itself may not be toxic to your pet, the plumb pit is very harmful if eaten and can cause poisoning and is considered a choking hazard.

Plum Poisoning and Cyanide Poisoning

Plums are made from several different parts. The entire plum plant will be made up of the plum, plum stones, foliage, roots, and stems. Everything but the plum fruit contain amygdalin, which turns into hydrogen cyanide when broken down by the body. This is toxic to both dogs and people when ingested in high doses.

Plum poisoning can be fatal if not treated quickly. Although there is only a little bit of this amygdalin in one plum stone, and it would take many plums to be toxic, some dogs can be more susceptible to this poisoning than other dogs.

Suppose a dog has a preexisting condition like liver disease. In that case, they will have a more challenging time dealing with the poisoning, considering their body will be unable to filter toxins from the body.

What Does Cyanide Poisoning Do?

Cyanide poisoning will cause all cell respiration to halt. This means that although there is oxygen in your dog’s blood, their body will be unable to use it. This will ultimately lead to respiratory collapse.


Common symptoms of this include reddening of the tongue, gums, and mouth, as well as dilated pupils, panting, difficulty breathing, tremors, agitation, seizures, collapse, and foaming at the mouth.

If your dog has any of these symptoms, you should immediately take them to the vet. They will more than likely examine your dog, looking for other signs of poisoning.

If your dog has cyanide in their bloodstream, vets can sometimes use sodium nitrite administered through an intravenous drip to remove it.

Gastric Obstruction

Another issue that you may run into with plum pits if ingested is that they are easily lodged in the digestive tract, which can cause obstruction. If this is not treated, it can be fatal for your dog.


Common symptoms of obstruction are diarrhea, breathing difficulties, stomach pain, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, and weakness.

Are Plum Trees Toxic?

The trees of the plum come from the “prunus” family. This family is also home to cherries, peaches, and apricots, which all have pits you should avoid feeding your dogs. All parts of these plants are toxic for dogs to eat… except the fruit.

Plum Trees

If you have a plum tree in your backyard, you are going to want to make sure that your dog is not feasting on fallen plums.

Fallen plums are not safe for dogs since they will likely eat the fruit whole. This will lead to them eating one plum pit and possibly several plum pits. This could potentially lead to your dog getting plum poisoning.

On top of that, dogs will not know when to stop eating, and the plum’s sugary, fiber-rich fruit will cause stomach upset for your furry friend.

The final thing to worry about with a plum plant is that the plums that have fallen can ferment, which will produce alcohol that may intoxicate your dog if it is ingested.

Are Plums as Toxic As Raisins and Grapes?

While parts of a plum can be toxic for dogs, they are better than grapes and raisins, which are completely toxic to dogs, no matter how many they eat. Grapes and raisings trigger gastrointestinal upset and can lead to kidney failure. Dogs eating the plum fruit as an occasional treat will thankfully not lead to this.

As long as your dog is not eating the plum’s pit, they should be okay as long as they are not eating too many.

Other Fruits Dogs Should Not Eat

There are several types of fruits that dogs should stay away from. These include grapes and raisings, avocados, seeds, stones, and pits, unripe tomatoes, and more.

These fruits should not be given to your pet no matter what since several of them are completely toxic to your furry friend and can make them end up in the hospital.

Other Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Dogs can eat bananas, apples, blueberries, cranberries, and oranges. These should only be eaten as a special treat but are generally safe for dogs. This is because although they usually have some sort of nutritional value, these fruits are very high in natural sugars, which can be terrible for your dog in the long run.

Always make sure that you are monitoring how much sugar your dog is consuming to ensure that they are not going to end up with any kind of health problems in the future.

Can Dogs Eat Plum Jam

Although delicious, jam is packed with too much sugar, which is terrible for dogs in high amounts. This added sugar makes jam a horrible snack for your dog, even if it is technically not toxic.

Though plum jam is terrible for dogs, it is technically not toxic. So if you want to feed them a little, it’s okay! Just be aware that it can make your dog hyperactive, and if provided a lot over time, it can lead to obesity or diabetes.

Can Dogs Drink Plum Juice?

Dogs should not be given plum or prune juice because of the amount of sugar content. That being said, it’s not good to give your pet any kind of juice for this same reason.

Juice is high in sugar, and your dog’s digestive system is not created to deal with that amount. This can lead to your dog developing diabetes and becoming hyperactive. So if you find that your dog has had plum juice, you should make sure that they have had plenty of water, too.

Final Thoughts- Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Dogs will eat plums if they are able to get their mouths on them since dogs will eat just about anything. Unfortunately, giving your dogs plums is dangerous, especially if it is a whole plum.

The things that make plums bad for dogs are the pit and stem since they can become toxic. Dogs cannot safely eat these, so the plum plant should be avoided whenever possible.

Consumption of whole plums can land your dog in the vet, as they may end up with poisoning that could be fatal if not treated right away. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your dog does not have access to whole plums, or even just the plum fruit, since it can be terrible for their health.

If you are looking to feed your dog plums, make sure that you are only giving it to them every once in a while as a treat so that they do not end up getting sick. On the other hand, feeding your dog too much of the plum fruit too often can lead to other health issues, like weight gain or obesity.

