Why Do Blue Pitbulls Have Skin Problems?


Reading Time: 7 minutes

Bluenose Pitbulls are prone to skin problems such as itchy, dry skin due to allergies and skin infections. This is due to their short hair exposing their skin to more exposure than many other breeds. 

The rest of this article will explain why blue pit bulls have skin problems and what you can do to help them.

Do Blue Pitbulls have Skin Problems?

They do! Because their hair is short, blue nose pit bulls and other related breeds, such as the American pit bull, have their skin exposed to more of the elements, resulting in environmental allergies from pollen, flies, and grass.

Additionally, these dogs can also suffer from skin infections like zinc responsive dermatosis, which means they do not get enough zinc in their diet.

Pitties are more susceptible to skin issues due to genetic predispositions. Having a skin condition is not uncommon for this breed, but thankfully there are many treatment options for any pet owner!

Let’s go over what causes pit bull skin problems more in detail.

Food Allergies

According to a study done by PubMed.gov, animal meat in food is responsible for over three times as many food allergies than plant-based ingredients. When dog owners start an elimination diet, many have started to see better skin after cutting out problematic ingredients. The dog food you give your dog matters!

Much like us, a dog’s immune system is in their gut. So if their diet is fixed and their gut is working well, it could fix a lot of their other problems, including a pit bull’s skin problems.

The most common things in your dog’s diet that they may be allergic to are dairy, wheat, beef, egg, chicken, soy, lamb, rabbit, pork, and fish.

How to Help Your Dog

If your dog is suffering from food allergies, there are multiple things that you can do to help!

  • Elimination Diet-Try doing an elimination diet, where you eliminate certain foods from their diet altogether. This will help you figure out what the actual problem is, and you will see their skin become more healthy as time goes on and will reduce allergic reactions.
  • High-Quality FoodsYour dog should be fed a high-quality diet no matter what, but you can find foods that are more whole to feed your dog.
  • Nutrients-You should feed your canine friend a dog food full of rich nutrients and essential fatty acids. It would be best if you primarily focused on omega-6 and omega-3 and vitamin E.
  • Novel Ingredients- The answer to your dog’s skin problems may just be novel ingredients or unique protein options such as kangaroo and grass-fed bison. This is because some dogs can be allergic to grain-fed farm animals! In fact, kangaroo is a wonderful source of zinc.

Ensuring that your dog is getting the nutrition they need to create and keep a healthy coat is essential to their overall health.


Many dogs suffer from itchy skin due to parasites that may be either on them or in them. If your dog has itchy, red skin, they could have mites or mange.

If this is the case, you will want to talk to your vet right away, as some skin conditions can be a sign of a medical or neurological condition.

How to Help Your Dog

If your dog has parasites, they should be taken to the vet immediately. Certain medications or shampoos may be required in order to help your dog and kill the parasites.

Additionally, antibiotics may be required, and your vet may ask for skiing scrapings each month in order to monitor the parasites.


Yeast infections and other fungal infections have also been linked to skin problems in blue pits. Although these are not skin disorders, they can cause them!

How to Help Your Dog

To treat yeast infections and other fungal issues, you should look into topical antifungal creams, sprays, shampoos, and wipes. Just remember that the pit bull breed has dry skin and that choosing certain products can just make your dog’s skin issues worse over time.

When looking at products, make sure you look at products with topical ingredients such as miconazole, chlorhexidine, and ketoconazole, which are all great at treating yeast.

If your dog has a more difficult to treat, severe case, make sure you take them to the vet so that they can be checked out.

Environmental Irritants

Since the pit bull does not have a thick undercoat like many other breeds, they can be sensitive to environmental irritants. Unfortunately, many of these irritants are things they come in contact with every single day, like grass or pollen. These allergens will lead to atopic dermatitis.

Along with natural irritants, the pit bull breed can also be highly allergic to household cleaning products, such as new laundry detergent and shampoo. Therefore, it’s essential to be careful before washing bedding or using shampoo on your dog, as it can cause skin irritation.

How to Help Your Dog

MedVet recommends that owners only use tepid water when bathing their furry friends. In addition to that, they also suggest that they use medicated shampoos and conditioners. This will restore the moisture in their skin!

Many also suggest using coconut oil. By rubbing this into the skin, it will help alleviate your dog’s reaction. This can be rubbed on your dog two to three times a day on affected areas.

Zinc Deficiency

Dry, scaly skin can be a result of zinc responsive dermatosis, a common disorder that many pit bulls can develop at a young age.

This happens when there is not enough zinc in your dog’s diet, or they cannot digest the zinc properly.

Signs of this deficiency include red skin, crusty areas, and bald patches. If they have a severe issue, it could lead to oozing skin.

These areas can be seen around the eyes, mouth, chin, and sometimes around their ears and foot pads.

How to Help Your Dog

If your dog has a problem with the amount of zinc in their food, you should consult your vet in order to find out how much more zinc you should be adding.

In high quantities, zinc can be toxic and even fatal. In addition, you must be sure that you are giving them an adequate dose since, according to Tufts University, it can lead to gastrointestinal issues.


Some dogs have an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This will cause them to bite or lick their skin until it becomes irritated, much like some humans bite their nails all the time.

Dogs with this disorder will also have an excessive scratching problem, which will cause abrasions on the skin.

How to Help Your Dog

If your dog is suffering from a disorder, it is best to try to fix the skin issue with any of the above options and consult your vet for additional help.

This will point you in the right direction since your dog may need neurological help.

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How To Fix Dry Skin Issues

Dry skin conditions can be helped by using natural moisturizers, such as coconut oil. This will soothe skin allergies as well as keep their sensitive skin hydrated.

Make sure that this is applied to all the itchy spots on your dog’s skin, including behind your dog’s ears.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Dogs?

This oil is safe for dogs! Dogs can eat this oil in small amounts, which is good because most dogs will lick their skin once anything is applied. Additionally, coconut oil is entirely safe for their itchy skin and should not cause skin irritation unless your dog is allergic to it.

How Often Can Pit Bulls Be Bathed?

Although any pit bull must be groomed and bathed regularly, just like other dogs, it is essential that you don’t over bathe them.

Unlike other breeds, the pit bull has short fur. Their hair follicles and skin are protected by a layer of natural oils. If they are bathed more than once a month, their skin can dry out. A pit bull can go up to six months without getting a bath!

What Does It Mean If Your Dog Breaks Out in Bumps?

Dogs can break out in skin bumps if they are having an allergic reaction to something they have eaten, rubbed themselves on, or even places where an insect may have bitten them.

If your dog develops hives, you may find that they are scratching their skin relentlessly. They may even have a really harsh, red rash.

Medications like corticosteroids can help your pit bull’s skin if this happens.

Why is Your Dog So Itchy?

If pit bull owners find that their dog is itching so much, it is probably due to allergies. This can be from environmental irritants or from food.

Pit bulls have also been known to develop skin irritations called contact dermatitis, which can be from soap or pesticides.

Additionally, many of these dogs will develop itching issues from anxiety and boredom. Make sure that your pet is not anxious and that they have plenty of toys and other items to keep them busy and happy.

If you find that your pet has a skin infection or food allergy, try swapping out foods in their diet. Avoid processed pet food, and keep to a healthy diet that will allow their skin and coat to thrive.

Can Owners Use Oatmeal on a Pit Bull?

They can! Oatmeal is actually a very common, very old remedy that will aid in your dog’s dry, itchy skin and soothe any skin allergy.

Many hypoallergenic shampoos actually contain oatmeal as the main ingredient!

In order to help your dog, you should grind oatmeal into a powder. This can be sprinkled into your dog’s bath.

Can You Give Your Dog Oils?

There are several different oils that you can both add to the dog food and rub on your pit bull’s coat.

If you find that your pit bull has terrible skin allergies, you should look into adding fish oil to their diet, as it has been known to help their skin significantly. You can find fish oil in capsule form, which can be both given to your dog in their food or broken open and rubbed on their fur.

Fish oil can be found in several different places, and as long as it is regular fish oil, it can be used even if found at the grocery store.

Other oils that can be used to help pitbull skin problems:

Cedarwood, chamomile, lavender, and carrot seed oils have been known to relieve pit bull allergies. If your dog has skin allergies, these can be rubbed on their skin to help alleviate the itch.

Frankincense, chamomile, and jojoba oil can help inflammation for your dog. If your dog regularly has red, inflamed skin, try any of these oils to help!

Chamomile and lavender oil have been known to help sores and hot spots on your dog’s skin.

Can The Sun Hurt Your Dog?

Since pit bulls have short hair, their skin is more exposed to the sun. Pet owners should make sure to limit the amount of sun exposure their dog gets on sunny days, as it can dry out their skin, and they can even get sunburnt!

If they do spend too much time in the sun, you will likely see a dog scratching at their back, where they were exposed for too long.

Final Thoughts

If you have a dog prone to skin problems, such as the blue nose pitbull, there are several different steps you can take to ensure that they do not suffer from it for too long.

Blue Pitbulls have skin problems due to their short hair since their skin is more exposed to the outside world. This means that almost anything can bother their skin and that it can dry out very quickly.

If your dog is having more severe skin issues, it may be time to take them to the vet for routine care and for a trained professional to come up with an effective treatment that will help your dog long-term.

