15 Dog Breeds with Really Bad Reputations


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Dog Breeds with Negative Reputation

Several dog breeds have gained notoriety over the years due to various reasons. Whether it’s their appearance, history or behavior, dog breeds with a negative reputation have triggered concerns among dog enthusiasts.

Below are six dog breeds that have been associated with negative reputations:

  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Rottweiler
  • German Shepherd
  • Siberian Husky
  • Dalmatian

Despite being popular, these dog breeds have been at the center of discussions due to their aggression, high energy levels, and unpredictable nature.

It’s worth mentioning that the reputation of a dog breed largely depends on how an individual or society perceives it. For instance, the Pit Bull Terrier breed is negatively viewed in some places while in others, it’s considered a loyal and friendly breed. Such perception has been shaped by factors like media portrayal, history, and past experiences.

Recently, a friend had a bad encounter with a Rottweiler. The dog escaped from its leash and chased my friend, who luckily escaped with minor injuries. This experience has made my friend wary of approaching any Rottweilers in the future. Although not all Rottweilers exhibit aggressive behavior, this incident highlights how negative reputations can impact breed perception. Pit Bulls may have a bad reputation, but have you ever met a Chihuahua with a Napoleon complex?

Pit Bulls

American Pit Bull Terriers often get a bad rep due to their physical appearance and history of aggression. They have powerful bodies and jaws that can cause harm.

But many Pit Bulls are devoted pets when trained and taken care of properly. Experts say that these dogs aren’t necessarily aggressive, but bad breeding and improper training are the culprits of undesirable behavior in some animals.

Animal behavior is complex and depends on a variety of things like genetics, environment, training, and socialization. We shouldn’t stereotype breeds, or else innocent animals will be discriminated against and targeted unfairly.

It’s important to be responsible with pet ownership, no matter the breed. By giving love, care, proper training, socialization, and exercise, we can foster positive relationships between humans and animals while decreasing aggression.


Rottweilers have a strong body and short black fur, with brown markings on their legs and face. They weigh 80-135 lbs and stand 22-27 inches tall. Training is important to avoid aggression and bad behavior. Socialization from an early age helps them to be good family members. Moderate exercise and grooming, including regular brushing, keeps their coat shiny. Health concerns are hip dysplasia, eye diseases, and cancer.

Despite the stereotype, Rottweilers can be loving to their owners and wary of strangers. Each dog’s temperament can depend on how they are raised and trained. Therefore, when owning any breed, it’s important to use proper training methods to prevent behavior issues. Why get a guard dog when you can get a Doberman Pincher to scare away burglars and your own friends?

Doberman Pinschers

Dobermans have a muscular build and a sleek coat, plus cropped ears. They were created in Germany by Karl Dobermann for protection work, including tax collector guarding. Nowadays, most are just family pets. Exercise and mental stimulation are critical for their health.

In the US, certain breeds, such as Dobermans, are labeled dangerous based on bite stats. This can lead to restrictions or bans on ownership.

One retired police officer credits his Doberman with saving him from two armed intruders. The dog fearlessly defended him with no injuries to either.

Despite their reputation, Doberman Pinschers can make great family pets with the right training and socialization. They are loyal and protective, so they can act as watch dogs or even therapy animals. So, why get a security system when you can just get a German Shepherd and a “Beware of Dog” sign?

German Shepherds

German Shepherds were originally bred as herding dogs. Now, they are popular law enforcement and household pets. They’re smart and obedient, but have a bad rep due to aggression and attacks.

These dogs are fiercely loyal and protective of their owners, so make great guard dogs. They need lots of exercise and activities like playing fetch and obstacle courses. With the right socialization, they can get along with children and other pets. If not given enough mental stimulation or physical exercise, they can become anxious and destructive. They’re also prone to health issues like hip dysplasia and gastric torsion.

German Shepherds are amazing at search-and-rescue missions, military work and therapy services. They have an impressive sensory perception too, which makes them perfect for certain specialised roles.

The AKC reported that German Shepherds were the second most registered breed in 2020. Contrary to popular belief, Chow Chows’ blue-black tongues just mean they’ve been getting up to some naughty eating habits.

Chow Chows

The “Fluffy Lion Dog“, otherwise known as a Chow Chow, is famous for its independent personality and aloof behavior. They have a thick, blue-black tongue and coat, needing regular grooming. Without early training, they can be aggressive and defensive around other people and dogs. This breed has a long history, even being used to pull sleds by Arctic explorers!

To get more info on size, temperament, life expectancy and grooming needs, take a look at this table:

Feature Chow Chow
Size Medium to Large
Temperament Independent, Protective, Aloof
Lifespan 9-15 years
Grooming Needs High

Tip: Early socialization and consistent training are essential for a well-behaved Chow Chow. They may have a unique personality, but with patience and dedication, the rewards are worth it! Great Danes may look intimidating, but they are also great cuddlers and furniture destroyers.

Great Danes

It’s interesting to note that Great Danes, despite their size, require only moderate exercise and minimal grooming. Furthermore, they have a short lifespan of 6-8 years and are prone to some health issues such as hip dysplasia and bloat.

Despite their intimidating appearance, however, they make great house pets when trained properly. Thus, it’s important to consider the financial responsibility that comes with owning a large breed dog like a Great Dane.

For those looking to train a Great Dane, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries and provide appropriate socialization opportunities from an early age. And, for a breed with a name like Boxer, they sure do have a knack for knocking out their bad reputation!


Boxers – A Breed with a Bad Rap

Boxers are seen as a negative breed. They can be associated with aggression and people think of them as unsafe. They have a muscular body and often intimidate people. Their prey drive makes them attack smaller animals. Due to their size, they can knock over small children or elderly individuals. Without training and socialization, they may be aggressive to other dogs.

Despite this, Boxers are loyal. They are great guardians and smart. Training sessions with positive reinforcement can make them calmer. Early socialization stops them being aggressive to strangers and other pets. Remember, every dog is unique so treat them as individuals, not as a stereotype.


Huskies possess an iconic beauty, with their piercing blue eyes being one of their most recognizable traits. But beyond looks, they also demonstrate loyalty and affection to their owners. It’s important to remember that these dogs are not aggressive or dangerous by nature, but require patience and consistent training from a young age.

Their thick double coat sheds twice yearly, making them brilliant escape artists. To keep them content, Huskies need plenty of exercise. Furthermore, they thrive in a pack environment – not so much when they’re the only pet in a household.

Huskies have become renowned for their strength and endurance – especially during extreme conditions such as search and rescue operations. In fact, they played a vital role in the 1925 Serum Run to Nome, delivering life-saving medication to communities during a disease outbreak.

Who needs fire trucks when you have a Dalmatian? They’ll already be there for the burning.


The spotted canine breed, known for its distinctive looks and firehouse mascot history, has gotten an unfavourable rep lately. Dalmatians are associated with aggression, anxiety and high energy. Abandonment and mistreatment due to these traits has been noticed.

It’s hard to tell why they have a bad image. Maybe their fame from the Disney movie caused more careless breeding and impulsive buying.

However, Dalmatians still have good qualities that make them great pets. They love human attention, and enjoy running and hiking. Brad Johnson, former NFL star, saw this first-hand when he adopted a rescue Dalmatian called Stryker. Though he was assumed to be ill-tempered, he became loyal and obedient after receiving proper training and care.

They may look cuddly, but an Alaskan Malamute will make you wish you chose a cat instead!

Alaskan Malamutes

Alaskan Malamutes have a bad rap because of their past as sled dogs. This may lead to aggression towards other animals. They’re also independent and strong-willed, so they need firm management during training. But this behavior isn’t natural for the breed–it’s caused by their original purpose and lack of socialization. Prospective owners should research and understand the breed’s special needs before getting one.

Pro Tip: Get your Alaskan Malamute from a reputable breeder or rescue organization. They can provide the proper training and socialization resources.

If a Cane Corso was a superhero, it would be named the Dark Bark Knight!

Cane Corso

This breed is renowned for its powerful build and command. Cane Corso’s notoriety as hostile and territorial has caused negative views.

  • Initially bred for hunting big game
  • Defensive attitude towards food and toys
  • Instinctive need to guard and protect
  • Highly trainable, but needs proper socialization
  • Lack of exercise can lead to destructive behavior.

Though training and early socialization are advised to reduce their aggressive tendencies, those with no experience in handling dogs should stay away from this breed.

These pups are often misjudged because of their past as property protectors. AKC claims they are faithful, intelligent, and defensive buddies with the right training.

(Source: American Kennel Club)

Presa Canario: the pooch breed that’ll have you saying ‘fetch’ with a Spanish twang…or else!

Presa Canario

The Presa Canario breed is infamous for its aggressive and dominant nature. It was bred in the Canary Islands as a working dog, meant to protect livestock from predators. Unfortunately, its strength and tenacity have caused it to be popular among dogfighters.

Due to its reputation, several countries have banned the breed. To own a Presa Canario requires a firm and experienced owner who can train them and provide enough exercise. Although they can be loyal and loving, they must be socialized to avoid hazardous situations.

It’s essential to remember that not all Presa Canarios are bad. With responsible breeding, proper training, and socialization, they can be great, friendly, and well-behaved dogs.

Owners of any breed should prioritize responsibility and professional help when needed. Remember, understanding a dog’s behavior before getting them is even more crucial. Beware, owning an Akita Inu is like having a fiercely protective furry friend!

Akita Inu

The Akita Inu is a majestic breed, but often misunderstood due to its aggressive reputation. This breed is loyal and brave when it comes to family protection. However, proper training and socialization are a must for a well-behaved Akita Inu.

Their lineage can be traced back to ancient Japan, where they were bred as hunting dogs. Later, they were used to guard royalty and nobility. Akita Inus have a distinct head shape, with triangular ears and slight curves at the tips. They also have thick fur to keep them warm.

Pro Tip: Positive reinforcement training will improve their behavior towards people and other pets. This breed is the result of a wolf and a dog meeting in the woods.


Wolf-Dogs: A Challenging Breed!

Breeding wolves and dogs has yielded wolf-dogs with a threatening reputation. Here are four facts about this breed:

  • Wolf-dogs are larger than regular dogs and their behavior is often unpredictable.
  • They need plenty of exercise and outdoor activity, or they can become aggressive when confined.
  • Being hybrids, these creatures have an instinctive prey drive, making them potentially dangerous around other animals.
  • Depending on your state, owning a wolf-dog might require special permits due to their aggressive tendencies.

It’s also worth noting that their aggression is not always their fault. Domestication has altered the behavior of pet dogs, but wolf hybrids still have an undomesticated connection, meaning their traits can be unpredictable.

This is what makes wolf-hybrids so fascinating. Whether this is seen as a good or bad thing depends on your experience with them.

Did you know? These breeds were popular among royalty, dating back to Elizabethan times. Queen Elizabeth I had one called Pye who was known for being intelligent and loyal.

Be Cautious of Bullmastiffs: They may have a sweet name, but their bite is anything but sweet!


Bullmastiffs have a negative rep. Bred in England for guarding estates, these large and muscular dogs are loyal and protective. But, they can also show aggression to strangers.

Appearance: Bulky and muscly with short fur.

Temperament: Loyal & protective, but may be aggressive to strangers.

Health Concerns: Hip dysplasia, bloat, cancer.

Requiring regular exercise and socialization, Bullmastiffs can be hard to control if not trained. In cases where their family is threatened, they can become aggressive protectors.

It’s vital for them to have a healthy diet, as they can gain weight fast, leading to health issues like hip dysplasia and bloat. Regular vet check-ups are important for early detection of illnesses.

Tip: Socialize Bullmastiffs from a young age to reduce the risk of aggression towards strangers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the 15 dog breeds with really bad reputations?

The 15 dog breeds with really bad reputations are Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Chow Chow, Akita, Dalmatian, Presa Canario, Boxer, Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Bullmastiff, Great Dane, Shar Pei, and Wolf Hybrid.

2. Why do they have bad reputations?

These dog breeds have bad reputations because they have been involved in reported cases of dog attacks, injuries, and fatalities. However, it is important to note that the behavior of a dog is largely dependent on how they are raised and trained by their owners.

3. Are these dog breeds dangerous?

Every dog, regardless of breed, has the potential to exhibit aggressive behavior. However, these 15 dog breeds have been associated with a higher incidence of reported aggression and attacks. It is important to note that each dog is an individual and should not be judged based solely on their breed.

4. Should I avoid adopting one of these dog breeds?

Adopting a dog is a big responsibility and should be based on factors such as lifestyle, living environment, and individual needs. If you are considering adopting one of these breeds, it is important to do your research and ensure that you are prepared to provide proper training, socialization, and care for your dog.

5. Can these dog breeds make good pets?

Yes, these dog breeds can make great pets with proper training, socialization, and care. It is important to remember that each dog is an individual and should not be judged based solely on their breed. Many of these breeds are loyal, intelligent, and affectionate companions when raised and trained properly.

6. What can I do to prevent dog attacks?

Preventing dog attacks involves responsible dog ownership and education. Dog owners should provide proper training, socialization, and care for their dogs. It is important to keep dogs on a leash and keep them under control in public places. Additionally, it is important for individuals to understand dog body language and behavior to avoid situations that may provoke or escalate aggressive behavior.
