Can Dogs Eat Cilantro?


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Can Dogs Eat Cilantro? Should Dogs Eat Cilantro?

Most dog owners tend to obsess over their dog’s diet. This is because they love dogs and are always in search of new food that will deliver benefits like strong bones and healthy skin. But, unfortunately, some dogs will develop allergic reactions to some ingredients in commercial dog food, and that can make the quest for the right dog food even more difficult. So, what about Cilantro? Should it be mixed into the food your dog eats? Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Cilantro?

Cilantro is an aromatic fresh herb, also called coriander and Chinese parsley. It is commonly used to flavor and garnish foods. However, not everyone appreciates this herb – some perceive cilantro leaves to have a pleasant lime-like taste while others find that it has a harsh taste and smell, almost medicinal in nature.

This isn’t surprising. Cilantro actually does have medicinal uses. Due to its antibacterial properties and potent antioxidants, it has been widely used as traditional medicine and is still in use as a natural remedy. 

Is Cilantro Good For Dogs?

I would be the first person to tell you that you should tread carefully when adding herbs to your dog’s food. A dog’s digestive system is very different from that of a human, and some “people food” items that we consume are not foods that dogs can eat. You don’t want to do anything to harm your best buddy. That said, you definitely can offer fresh Cilantro mixed in with your regular dog food.

Can Dogs Eat Cilantro Leaves, Seeds, or Powder?

The term cilantro refers to the entire plant – leaves, stems, and even roots. All parts can be consumed, and all deliver health benefits. But, amazingly, each part of the plant tastes different! The leaves and stems are lime-flavored, and the seeds are spicy and nutty. Seeds are often ground into powder and used as a spice. Coriander roots are eaten in some regions of Asia. However, people in other areas tend to dislike the roots because the strong flavor and the odor are very pungent.

Can dogs eat Cilantro in all its forms? Yes, your dog’s diet can include any of the above-mentioned edible forms of Cilantro. However, fresh leaves are the best for your dog’s health. To fully appreciate the health benefits, you should read this article completely. 

How Can You Get Cilantro Into Your Dog?

There are several ways to serve Cilantro to your furry friend. Let’s explore some of them.

Chopped Cilantro

Prepare your dog’s meal as you usually do, and then simply add some chopped cilantro. Fresh Cilantro leaves mixed with food is one of the best and easiest ways to have your dog ingest Cilantro. Use only the fresh leaves – no cilantro seeds or roots.

Powdered Cilantro

Not all dogs are going to appreciate the strong taste of Cilantro in their food. If your dog resists, don’t force him. Instead, go for plan B. Take some ground coriander (powdered, dried seeds) and sprinkle it over his favorite food. Even dogs that dislike cilantro leaves are usually okay with ground coriander seeds. 

Lime Cilantro Rice

Rice is good for your dog, and so is Cilantro, making lime-cilantro rice a good choice as an occasional dietary supplement. Just keep the portions small, as cilantro rice contains quite a bit of the herb. However, Cilantro and lime can both be irritating to your dog’s intestinal tract if given in large quantities.  The last thing you want is to give your furry friend an upset stomach!

Some “Don’ts” To Remember

Although many herbs, including Cilantro, can be beneficial, you should keep in mind the following things.

1- Don’t Make Your Dog Eat What He Doesn’t Like.

If your dog doesn’t seem to appreciate cilantro leaves, you can try the powder. Even then, a fussy dog may reject any form of this aromatic herb. Please don’t take the approach of “dogs eat when they get hungry enough.” It’s not kind and not fair. Cilantro isn’t essential to your dog’s diet, so if your dog is among those who just won’t eat it, don’t serve Cilantro. Instead, find another of the many herbs you can choose from.

2- Don’t Feed A lot of Cooked Cilantro.

Your dog should eat Cilantro that’s fresh as it has all its nutrients in its natural form. Unfortunately, proteins and other biomolecules are heat sensitive and break down during cooking. Therefore, much of the nutritional benefit is lost when Cilantro is cooked.

3- Don’t Give Your Dog Cilantro Juice Without Checking the Ingredients.

Some people are under the impression that cilantro juice is good for dogs and turn to it as an alternative when their dogs refuse to take Cilantro in their food. This is not always a good idea, as some cilantro juice preparations contain refined sugar, which is most definitely not good for dogs. Read the label carefully. You can make your own pet-safe cilantro juice if you own a juicer. A bit of Googling will help you to find recipes. 

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How Much Cilantro Can Dogs Eat?

Can Dogs Eat Cilantro In Large Quantities? No.

Although dogs definitely can consume fresh Cilantro mixed with their dog food, portion control is important. Cilantro in small quantities can be a component of a healthy diet for your dog. So how much Cilantro should dogs eat? For puppies, a quarter of a teaspoon is more than enough. For fully-grown dogs, half of a teaspoon is adequate. Even for very large dogs, a teaspoon is more than enough.

Most experts go with the “less is more” approach and advise starting with a small quantity when adjusting what dogs eat. For one thing, you want to watch for an allergic reaction to the new substance. For another, there’s the taste issue – too much of any strong flavor, and your dog might reject his food.  And too much of anything could lead to an upset stomach.

Benefits of Feeding Cilantro

So far, we’ve talked about how to get this healthy supplement into your dog’s diet. But what about the benefits? What is Cilantro going to offer in the way of health benefits?

Dogs That are Fed Small Quantities of Cilantro Might Experience the Following Benefits: 

Healthier Skin and Better Vision

Cilantro contains Vitamin A, which is an essential component of the protein rhodopsin. It plays an important role in protecting skin and fur against oxidative radicals and also improves the ability to see in low light. If your dog has a skin irritation due to plant-based allergies and dislikes consuming Cilantro, you can use cilantro oil extract as a topical treatment, rubbing it gently into your dog’s skin. It’s good for human skin cells too!

Healthy Bones and Teeth

Cilantro promotes healthy bones and teeth as it is rich in calcium and magnesium. When dogs eat Cilantro, it can also protect against gum infections.

Reduced Risk of Infections

Cilantro’s antifungal and antibacterial properties can deliver a powerful boost to your dog’s health, boosting his immune system and helping him to ward off many infections. In addition, it is believed to be effective in fighting Salmonella enterica that may have gained entry into the body after eating contaminated food. But, of course, this does not mean that you get a pass on checking expiry dates and examining your dog’s food for signs of spoilage or contamination – you still have to be vigilant in ensuring that your dog has a safe, healthy diet.

Cilantro also helps the skin to fight off dermatitis. This is a condition that can occur as the result of food allergies to certain proteins present in dairy products, wheat, beef, and chicken. 

Antioxidant Support

Cilantro has a significant supply of potent antioxidants that help the dog’s body to prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. These free radicals are produced when the body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke, radiation, or air pollution. The Vitamin C contained in Cilantro helps reduce oxidative stress in your dog. 

Helps to Get Rid of Heavy Metals

The fresh leaves and stems of cilantro help to get rid of toxic metals. This is because they contain substances that get attached to the toxic metals and help in their removal from the body through feces. 

Disease Resistance

Cilantro protects against heart disease and helps to maintain healthy blood pressure thanks to its Vitamin K content. It also helps with blood clotting, enabling wounds to heal quickly and improving recovery time following surgery.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Dogs that consume Cilantro frequently experience lower blood sugar levels. This is because Cilantro increases several enzymatic activities. If your dog has high blood sugar, this is another reason to be very careful if administering cilantro juice as a supplement. 

Source of Vitamins and Other Nutrients

Cilantro is a rich source of Vitamins A, C, and K, which help to strengthen a dog’s body tissues. It also contains significant amounts of beneficial nutrients like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, and selenium.

Aids Digestion

Cilantro is often used to relieve digestive issues, including upset stomachs. If your dog is a fussy eater, it might simply be that he has a bit of an upset tummy, and Cilantro could help. The dietary fiber in Cilantro can also help your dog to digest his food more effectively, improving nutrient absorption.

Improves Dog’s Breath

Dogs require regular dental checkups and oral care, the same as humans. Ideally, you should brush your dog’s teeth at least a few times in any given week. Some dogs, however, are extremely resistant to having their teeth brushed, and no amount of specially flavored doggy toothpaste makes a difference. If this sounds like your dog, you can naturally use fresh cilantro leaves to alleviate the “dog breath” problem. This will also provide a measure of protection against gum disease.

Fights Anxiety and Improves Mental Health

Cilantro provides mental health benefits in that it helps manage anxiety. Coriander extract has been proven nearly as efficient as Diazepam in easing anxiety in animals. If you’re not a fan of “puppies on pills,” you might consider this as a more natural alternative. 

Coriander also has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to be effective in protecting against Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and multiple sclerosis when added to human food. When it comes to dogs, coriander has been shown to protect against nerve cell damage and to help prevent seizures.

Promotes Sound Sleep

If your dog is under physical or mental stress, he may not be getting the restful sleep he needs. You know from the material you have already read that Cilantro and coriander can provide both physical and mental health benefits, allowing your dog to get the quality sleep he deserves. In addition, Cilantro can lead to peaceful sleep, whether administered in the food or delivered via massage using oil.

Does Feeding Cilantro Have Any Risks?

Fed in reasonable quantities, Cilantro is essentially risk-free and beneficial in a number of ways. In rare cases, a dog may develop an allergy to Cilantro, so always begin with small quantities – you can always increase the amount gradually in subsequent feedings. Any itching, discomfort, or other unusual behavior warrants a trip to the vet.

What If Your Dog Eats Too Much Cilantro?

It’s your job to monitor your dog’s cilantro intake. If you give him too much Cilantro, he could experience moderate digestive issues like a sensitive stomach, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

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Nutritionists are always telling humans that a balanced diet is necessary in order to maintain good health. However, good nutrition is equally important when it comes to your dog’s health.

There are many, many options when it comes to your dog’s food. You can feed a commercially prepared dry or wet food, go grain-free, offer a raw diet, make your dog’s meals from scratch, or mix it up. The main thing is that your dog has a proper balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients.

Supplements are generally used to treat a specific condition or to improve overall health. Cilantro is one of the most beneficial supplements you can give your dog. However, you should keep in mind that, as is the case with most supplements, a little goes a long way.

So, can dogs eat Cilantro? Yes, dogs can eat Cilantro.  Is Cilantro safe? Yes, in reasonable quantities, not only is Cilantro safe, it’s beneficial. You can give your dog cilantro in its fresh form or as powder.

In conclusion, Cilantro is non-toxic, good for dogs, and dog lovers can feel confident in feeding small doses of this powerful supplement. I hope that you found this article helpful.
