The Best At-Home Itch Relief for Dogs


Reading Time: 4 minutes

So many pet owners are quick to assume that an itchy dog has fleas – but there are many reasons that a dog could be itchy. From seasonal allergies to bacterial infections, you may be surprised to learn about the real cause of your dog’s itching. We gathered up a few of the most common reasons for itching, and some great at-home itch relief for dogs that can help your pet feel more comfortable.

Itch Relief for Dogs with Dry Skin

One common cause for itching is dry skin, which can be caused by living in a very dry climate or being indoors where there is heated air. Try adding a humidifier to your home to make the air a little more humid, feeding your dog a higher quality dog food that offers more nutrients, and brushing your dog more often to help spread the natural oils across the skin. Giving your dog a supplement like Vivamune, which helps keep the skin healthy naturally, can also help them get rid of dry skin (and that case of the itches!).

Be sure you are using a moisturizing shampoo meant for dogs when you bathe them as well. If you can’t find a good dog shampoo with moisturizing ingredients, try giving them an oatmeal bath.

Anti-Itch for Dogs with Allergies

Another common cause for itching in dogs is seasonal allergies. Just like humans can get itchy when they are allergic to something (think about how you react to poison ivy, for example), dogs can also get itchy when they are exposed to seasonal things like pollen and fresh grass. In addition to doing a lot of scratching, you may also see your dog chewing or licking their paws a lot, where they come into contact with the allergen the most.

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For seasonal allergy relief, there are a few things you can try. Of course, you can attempt to keep your dog out of the yard until the spring has passed. You can also wipe off their feet and the surface of their hair when they come in, to reduce their exposure to the allergens. Some vets do prescribe that owners use antihistamines to help their dogs avoid allergic reactions.

Relief for Dogs

Other Types of Allergies That Can Cause Itching

Dogs can also suffer from other types of allergies besides seasonal allergies, that can cause itchy skin. For example, many dogs are allergic to common ingredients in low quality dog food. Corn, grains, dairy, and eggs are common culprits. If your dog is constantly itching, and nothing seems to help, consider switching to an allergen-free dog food to see how it impacts their skin.

The most common type of allergy in dogs is an allergy to fleas. When fleas get on a dog, their bites actually cause an allergic reaction, and that is why the dog scratches. It’s important to keep your dog on a flea prevention medicine, and to bathe them regularly to keep fleas away. In this case, there is a way to make a great itch relief for dogs right in your own kitchen. You can mix green tea with apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle, and just spray it on them whenever they are itching. Keep it in the fridge when not in use!

Keep Their Skin Folds or Wrinkles Clean

Here’s an important way to offer some itch relief for dogs that have wrinkles or skin folds. These areas are often prone to yeast infections, and that can cause a lot of itching. Be sure to keep these areas clean and dry at all times. This also applies to dogs with ears that fold over – check inside the ears regularly for cleanliness and dryness after bathing or swimming. If your dog has frequent yeast infections, consider if their diet is high in carbohydrates or sugars – including things like sweet potatoes. Sugar is what yeast thrives on.

When to Head to the Vet

Unfortunately, there are a few cases in which at home itch relief for your dogs is not the best route to take. Dogs can be itchy for very serious reasons, like bacterial infections, fungal infections, mange, contagious viruses and parasites, and hereditary conditions. In these cases, the best thing to do for your dog is to go to the vet and get the issue diagnosed. From there, the vet can suggest the best course of treatment to help your dog stop itching.

Keeping your dog healthy with regular vaccinations, quality food, and supplements to boost their immune system naturally, is a great way to prevent this outcome. Vivamune works to help protect a dog’s skin, as well as heal their digestive system, protect their joints, and more. This is a very easy addition to your dog’s diet that can help them stay comfortable and healthy in an all-natural way.

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